Diese Woche habe ich zu meinem Song „The Path“ ein Musikvideo produziert. Ich habe es auf meinem persönlichen YouTube-Kanal hochgeladen.
In dem Song geht es, grob gesagt, um vergangene Beziehungen oder speziell in diesem Fall um eine bestimmte, alte Beziehung. Mehr will ich dazu nicht sagen, aber ich denke, man kann sich hineinversetzen.
Die Lyrics zu dem Song:
Someday you will step again
in between the eyes that slay
and find all twisted obscurities
the casualties will learn to pray.
Start off far away and smile
the teeth will hold their necks
ready to break the sound
Fix it. You quick, bitch!
Fix it. You quick bitch!
Make it fast!
Fix it. Quick!
The dreams of thousand souls keep spinning
around their heads all black and chrome.
The dreams of thousand souls keep spinning
around their heads all black and chrome.
All that is here
will be waiting
for us to make some tiny steps.
I chew the splinters that are hanging from their domes
I chew the splinters that are hanging from their domes
Wish you inhaled my injections
wish you inhaled my pills.
Wish you didn’t hate my injections
wish you didn’t hate my pills
I wish you had the patience
to get ready for the final kill
I wish you had the patience
to get ready for the final kill
Straight and narrow
we obscure the tree.
Leave me in the shadows that sway
We keep unravelling
See what’s left of it.
Go play!
So go your own way
and make me say:
“I will keep up my way.”